Understanding by Design: Backward Planning in Instructional Design Understanding by Design: Backward Planning in Instructional Design

The Understanding by Design framework for Instructional Design and Curriculum Development offers a planning process and structure to help guide curriculum, assessment, and instruction. Sometimes referred to as “backward planning” or “backward design” the two key ideas of Understanding by Design (UbD) are contained in the title: 1) focus on teaching and assessing for understanding and learning transfer, and 2) design curriculum “backward” from those ends. 

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My Approach to Applying Learning Theories to Instructional Design My Approach to Applying Learning Theories to Instructional Design

Throughout the course of my career I have learned, in great detail, about the following learning theories: Behaviorism Constructivism Connectivism Cognitivism Andragogy (Adult Learning Theory) Since I create course curriculum and facilitate classes for both children and adults, I definitely see these theories and approaches fitting into the courses I design. I also have a […]

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My Personal Learning Experiences with Cognitivism and Connectivism My Personal Learning Experiences with Cognitivism and Connectivism

Being a digital native, Connectivism has always played a large role not just in how I develop and facilitate curriculum – but also in my own personal learning experiences. For example, when I was a 14-year-old middle school student, I wanted to build my own website so I used Connectivism to teach myself how to read […]

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Cognitivism and Connectivism Cognitivism and Connectivism

An Overview of Cognitivism In Cognitivist learning theory, the thought processes are important to learning. These mental processes are shaped by our past experiences, which also shape how we process new information. Cognitivism focuses on acquiring knowledge and information. Social Cognitivism builds upon the theory of Cognitivism while also stressing that the learner is an […]

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