
A multi-billion dollar international enterprise requested an online learning center where adult learners could personalize their e-learning experiences. As an Instructional Designer / Learning Experience Designer and Learning Strategist, I created a structure that we could implement into the company’s learning platform. I collaborated with key stakeholders, a Subject Matter Expert, and Learning Director to determine the learning objectives and content, then collaborated with a User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) Designer on the app layout.

Core Curriculum

This design includes a section for “core curriculum” e-learning courses that all learners are required to take as part of the course or cohort.

Elective or Optional Courses for Personalization

Upon completion of the core curriculum, each learner may personalize their learning by selecting an “elective” option that appeals to them. The learners can choose between a few different “elective” (optional) courses, based upon their job roles and/or their interests.

Next Steps

The upcoming iteration of this project will feature customized content based upon level setting. A learner with prior familiarity with the content may qualify for 201 level courses, while beginner-level learners will continue down the 101 level curriculum path.

Personalized Learning Journey by Brittany Robinson